Did you know that it is entirely possible that unconscious mistakes that you make in the morning hamper your weight loss?
Skipping breakfast or making the wrong food choices in the morning may be some of the mistakes that prevent you from reaching your ideal weight.
Believe it or not, but the habits you have in the morning can play a very important role if you try to lose weight in a healthy way. Although many people do not realize this, those first acts of the day are essential to provide the body with the right amount of energy and to start the metabolism.
Often it is true that your problems with weight loss can originate from the mistakes you make in the morning. These errors disturb the results of our diet and our physical activity.
That is why it is extremely important to identify these errors and, of course, to take the right measures to correct them before they can form a real obstacle. In this article we therefore share six of these mistakes that you may also make yourself, so that you can unlearn them.
Mistakes you make in the morning
1. Stay for another five minutes
When you wake up in the morning, it is often the case that you feel the need to stay for another five minutes, to be able to get out of bed and to feel active. However, this is not the most sensible habit if you would like to lose some pounds, especially if you keep lying down longer and longer.
These five minutes in which you will stay for a while, could also be used to enjoy a good breakfast or to exercise a bit.
It would even be ideal to get up just fifteen minutes earlier than you are used to. That way you can put some good habits into practice that can improve your metabolism.
At the same time it is of course also important to sleep well ; no less than seven hours a day.
2. Do not hydrate your body properly
This is one of the most common mistakes. Unfortunately, it is also one of the mistakes that have the most negative impact.
During sleep, the body uses fluid to perform all kinds of processes. When you wake up in the morning, your body is therefore somewhat dehydrated. In the morning just after you come out of bed you drink water, therefore helps to hydrate your body so that it can function properly during the day.
The benefits are even greater if you add a little lemon juice or a purifying plant.
3. Not good breakfast is one of the mistakes you make in the morning
Not spending enough time consuming a good breakfast is one of the main reasons why some people do not manage to lose weight. This first meal of the day is essential to ensure that the metabolism continues to function properly. Moreover, it is the meal that provides the body with energy.
Replacing your breakfast with a cup of coffee and a few biscuits slows the metabolism and prevents you from losing those necessary pounds. The same applies if you ignore the belief about 'saving calories'.
A good breakfast should consist of about 25% of your daily calorie intake. It should contain protein, fiber and carbohydrates. In addition, it is also important to add antioxidants and, if possible, omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Do not eat at the right time
The moment at which you choose to have breakfast can also offer many advantages or disadvantages for your body and your metabolism.
If you choose to have breakfast late, your hunger hormones will become excessively activated, so you will then probably make poor food choices. This ensures that your metabolism slows down and you burn fewer calories and fat.
5. Eating unhealthy snacks
To keep your metabolism active and to avoid getting tired later in the morning, we recommend to have a small snack in the middle of the morning. These small meals provide your body with energy and nutrients that ensure that it can continue to function without problems.
The only problem is that many people make the wrong choices and ultimately eat things that are full of calories and artificial substances.
It is not wise to opt for bread, baked food or drinks that are full of cream or calories.
It would be ideal to opt for some fruit and vegetables, or wholegrain cereal bars.
6. Get stressed at work
It is normal to get a bit stressed during those first hours of your day about all the tasks you need to accomplish that day. If you do not know how to deal with this stress, it can have quite serious consequences. It can, for example, believe it or not, have a negative influence on your waste plan.
When you experience a lot of stress, your body secretes a larger amount of cortisol . This is a hormone that not only affects your mood, but also hinders your metabolism.
When your body is constantly exposed to this hormone, it will be more likely to store fat on the stomach.
Are these some of the mistakes you make in the morning? If you recognize yourself in it, try to get rid of this error (s) as quickly as possible so that it can not have a negative impact on your body weight.
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Healthy habits, especially in relation to your diet and level of exercise, are the best way to achieve permanent results quickly.
Thomas Eggleston is an expert writer and a professional Health consultant.
I would like to encourage the readers of Healthy Blog for a healthier 'lifestlyle' with the purpose of feeling comfortable in your body.
This does not mean that you only eat lean and low fat and are always on a diet.
Nor do you have to drag yourself to the gym every day to spend a few hours sweating.
In my opinion, you are satisfied with what you look like inside and out.
That you enjoy your body, it takes care and appreciates.
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