It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and determines how energetically we will get through the day. But many people skip breakfast because they are too busy or opt for food products, which are not nearly as healthy.
The article below describes five food products, which are ideal to start the day and contribute to a healthy condition of the body. Try them right away and you will be pleasantly surprised by the rapid changes that you will certainly notice.
Whole grain cereals
To keep feeling satisfied for a long time, it is important that you eat products that are rich in dietary fiber and that supply enough energy to the body and mind to get through the day. This characteristic is mainly found in wholemeal cereals. Whole grain cereals are rich in vitamins, minerals and sufficient fiber. The breakfast cereals from the supermarket, which often contain too many sugars and preservatives, are not the most healthy breakfast options that we can think of. There are certainly enough alternatives that can be part of a healthy breakfast. Below you will find many tips for a tasty and carefree start of the day:
- Oatmeal : The topper among the grains produces a large amount of energy and at the same time relaxes the nervous system. Moreover, oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which support and promote digestion. Mixed with a cup of milk and a spoonful of honey they taste delicious!
- Brown or wholemeal rice : We mainly know as a source of carbohydrates at lunch or dinner, but why not start the day with a bowl of brown rice with milk, possibly flavored with some cinnamon or lime?
- Maize : In many countries, corn-based food products are on the breakfast menu.

Difficulty eating two pieces of fruit a day? Then eat one at breakfast. Cut pieces of banana or apple for your bread, mix fruit with your muesli with yoghurt or just eat it. A piece of fruit per day can be replaced with fruit juices that provide enough vitamin C and folic acid, such as orange juice, pineapple juice and grapefruit juice. Think of:
- Citrus fruits : Orange and grapefruit are an excellent source of energy and vitamin C
- Figs : Helping you to fight stress
- Pears : are rich in silicon, a mineral that protects and strengthens the skin and our hair
- Apple : Contains malic acid and tartaric acid, two nutrients that protect the body against diseases and also against tooth decay
- Papaya : Is the ideal piece of fruit for a healthy digestive system
- Pineapple : Also contains enzymes that promote digestion and is also anti-inflammatory
- Banana : This delicious piece of fruit delivers a lot of energy and is rich in magnesium, which gives support to the muscles in the body and the central nervous system.
- Dried fruits : Are a good source of energy and dietary fiber

Dried fruit
Process dried fruits or nuts in your breakfast. They contain many healthy fats that support the body and are a good source of fiber and energy. Preferably eat them raw or toasted, but avoid the salted or fried versions, which have lost most of their nutritional value. Make your choice:
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Peanuts
- Pistachio nuts
- Hazelnuts
- Pine nuts
Dairy or protein
We already know dairy products as a traditional part of breakfast. Drink the lean dairy alternatives, such as buttermilk, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. With your muesli, thin curd cheese or yoghurt and your oatmeal porridge can also be made with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. So choose:
- Natural yogurt
- Vary with different types of cheese
- Low-fat quark
Feel free to change these foods with an egg at breakfast, which also contains the necessary proteins.

Natural sweeteners
If you like to give the above-described foods a sweet taste, preferably avoid the use of white sugar. Refined sugar extracts the necessary minerals from the body and has a negative influence on the available energy. Opt for the use of natural sweeteners such as:
- Raw honey
- Agave syrup
- Maple syrup
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