One of the basic exercises of mindfulness is that you focus your attention on your breathing and listen to the sounds around you. This can help you to fall asleep more easily and enjoy a restful sleep.
With mindfullness, a number of simple exercises are used. They mainly help you to focus your attention on consciousness. Moreover, they make it possible to make the best of every moment. The key words in this technique are interest, curiosity and acceptance .
One of the benefits of mindfulness is that you can sleep better . The reason is that the exercises help to improve sleep quality enormously. For adults who suffer from certain mild sleep problems this can be a suitable aid.
Use mindfulness and discover a system that changes your old sleep rituals. In this way you ensure a better sleep.

After all, it is especially important that you learn how to make time for yourself.
Some people are constantly under stress. They may find it difficult to find five minutes each day to have contact with their inner ones. But if you stop here for a moment, then the ten or fifteen or twenty minutes that you invest every day in your own health are not many. Try to remember this. Put it into practice and add it to your daily activities.
It is time that your mindfulness makes an important part of your life. Ultimately it is about taking the right attitude.
It encourages you to focus your attention on the here and now without making a judgment. It also helps you to feel compassion for yourself and for others. The only way to achieve this is if you are able to see what happens inside and in your environment.
Read more and learn more about this technique!
1. Breathing is the core of this mindfulness exercise

Too important to come to mindfulness is that you learn to breathe correctly. Find a number of breathing techniques to learn how to do this.
You will notice that making five minutes deep and full breathing makes a big difference. It ensures a better quality of your sleep. You will notice a clear difference between the sleep you used to enjoy and what you experience with this exercise.
2. Do the things that make you feel good
It is important that you know yourself well. You should see how you can give yourself a better and completely relaxed feeling.
You can do this in different ways. Listening to a song, watching a video, closing your eyes, thinking of a happy memory, going for a walk or moving.
We can do many things to give ourselves some scattering . Moreover, we do not really have to invest a lot of time to do those things. What we simply need is sufficient distraction so that we get a new perspective on our feelings. That is enough to ensure that you relax.
3. Learn how to perform an exercise for body awareness

This is an easy exercise. You will come into contact with your body as it is. That means without any form of judgment. There will be no question of rejecting and uncomfortable feelings or of sticking to the things you like.
Another name for this exercise is body scan. How do you start this exercise? Sit in an easy position.
- Keep the back straight. You can also perform this exercise while you are lying down.
- Close your eyes and let the attention go to your breathing .
- Scan your body to discover what it feels like.
- You will immediately notice the difference!
4. Start the morning without stress
How can you start every day without stress? For that you first have to sit in a quiet place . That means that you have to turn off the television so that it is completely silent. What you also need to do is to put your phone somewhere away from you. The intention is that you are not distracted.
When you sit down to eat, pay attention to the flavors, the smells and the texture of the food and the drinks. Feel the qualities of what you eat and drink!
This is a way to focus your attention on the here and now. You will notice the difference. Be mindful from the morning. It will help you tremendously for the rest of the day.
5. Focus your attention directly on the sounds around you

That means that you consciously focus your attention on the sounds that occur around you . Also try to keep listening.
- Hear the sounds just as they are. Do not attempt to identify or name the sounds. Do not judge them as pleasant or annoying. It is the intention that you do not think about the sounds , but only listen .
- Listen to the sounds without any effort. Let go of all other observations from the environment.
- When you notice a distraction, try to discover exactly what attracts your attention. Then you return and listen to the sounds again.
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