Changes in your lifestyle like losing weight, avoiding alcohol just before bedtime or sleeping on your side can help you ...

Trick to fall asleep in 1 minute

There is a trick that allows you to fall asleep within a minute. You do not need anything and you can apply this sleep trick directly. You will probably sleep within a minute! An easy and very effective way of de-stressing and relaxing by applying specific breathing techniques.

Breathing is a unique body function because it runs automatically and therefore functions on its own but can also be controlled consciously. The 4-7-8 technique uses the conscious control to relax the body.

The 4-7-8 sleep trick

  • Take a comfortable position.
  • Place the tip of your tongue against the back of the upper teeth during the exercise
  • Breathe in for 4 seconds through the nose with the mouth closed
  • Hold the breath for 7 seconds
  • Breathe completely out through the mouth with a sssshhh sound
  • Repeat this cycle 4 times in total
  • Keep the tongue in place during exhalation
  • Breathe in with abdominal breathing to optimize oxygen absorption
  • Do this exercise 2-3 times a day
  • Use the 4-7-8 technique before bedtime

Do you want to fall asleep quickly?

Do you want to fall asleep quickly? Then buy good earplugs , melatonin or a sleeping mask .


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Thomas Eggleston is an expert writer and a professional Health consultant. I would like to encourage the readers of Healthy Blog for a healthier 'lifestlyle' with the purpose of feeling comfortable in your body. This does not mean that you only eat lean and low fat and are always on a diet. Nor do you have to drag yourself to the gym every day to spend a few hours sweating. In my opinion, you are satisfied with what you look like inside and out. That you enjoy your body, it takes care and appreciates.

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