Below we discuss the causes of snoring - one by one,
along with the associated symptoms and treatments. Hopefully you will stop
snoring thanks to this information!
1. Snoring because of your nose &
throat almonds
Your tonsils are often the cause of snoring ... Your
tonsils are part of your lymphatic system; your lymphatic system is part of
your immune system. The
transition from the mouth and nasal cavity to the throat contains many and
thick lymph tissue. The two best known thickenings are:
- Nose almond (the thickened tissue in the roof
of the nasal pharynx)
- Throat tonsils (the thickened tissue on both
said in the back of the throat)
In some people, the tonsils can not control the many
pathogens that are inhaled. As a result, a chronic (permanent)
infection of the tonsils can occur, giving you various symptoms (fever, sore
throat, sinusitis etc.) and can not stop snoring.
So you can start to snore enormously if your nose and /
or throat tonsils are infected by a virus or bacteria, are naturally extremely
large or swollen by irritation or an allergic reaction.
Stop snoring
because of your throat & nose almonds
If you snore often and hard due to large, inflamed and /
or swollen tonsils, these can be removed (partially) surgically. Cutting almonds can stop you from
2. Snoring at
the hands of a nasal polyp
Many people snore because of a polyp. A polyp or nose
polyp involves a small swelling in the nasal mucosa that covers the inside of
your nasal cavity. A nasal polyp is usually caused by a local, allergic
reaction. This causes
the nasal mucosa to swell up locally, eventually forming a small
"bag" consisting of mucous membrane. A polyp can
cause you to snore hard and can not stop snoring.
Treatment of
snoring because of polyp in your nose
If you snore because of a nasal polyp, you can get
medication such as Flixonase (fluticasone) or Nasonex (mometasone). If medication does not work, the polyp
can always be removed surgically if you want to stop snoring.
3. Hay fever
can cause snoring
Many people who snore and loudly snore - contend -
consciously or not - with hay fever. Hay fever means that you are allergic to
pollen from flowers, grasses, plants and / or trees. If you inhale pollen while you are
allergic to it, your nose and throat mucus will swell, causing you to suffer
from snoring. Pollen is also called 'pollen'; hay fever is
therefore also known as pollen allergy or pollinosis. If you snore a lot, then
there may well be hay fever!
Treating hay
fever to stop snoring
If you suffer from excessive snoring, let yourself be
tested for allergies. Your doctor can refer you to the general practice
laboratory for an allergy test. If
it turns out that you are suffering from hay fever, you will usually be
prescribed medicines (antihistamines) which will stop you from snoring.
4. Snoring can be caused by obesity
The heavier you are, the more likely you are to snore. Because the higher your fat
percentage, the greater the fat accumulation around the throat. Fat
around your throat causes the pharynx to narrow ... And a narrow pharynx again
ensures that the soft tissue in the back of the throat (uvula, tonsils &
tongue) is sucked together and vibrates, causing a violent snoring sound.
Stop snoring
due to overweight
You can not just treat excess weight or obesity, so there
is no easy way to stop snoring due to obesity. People with overweight snore by
far the loudest when they sleep on their backs ... So you can possibly try to sew a tennis
ball in the back of your pajamas if you want to stop snoring. Losing
weight is the most effective treatment for snoring due to obesity.
5. Snoring gets
worse with age (weak throat muscles)
Age is one of the main causes of snoring. As you
get older, the muscles in the back of your throat become slacker. The softer
your throat muscles, the harder you will snore. If you have never snorted your
life for a long time, then it is best to stay that way. If you snore at a young
age, then the chances are that you are an extremely hard snorer at 60 or 65
years of age.
age-related & health-related snoring
Unfortunately, you can not do much against the natural
aging process. However,
you can help prevent snoring by eating healthy and varied throughout your life,
exercising frequently and not smoking. If you snore because of
weak throat muscles, you can best sleep on your back. You will not stop
snoring, but you limit the noise to a minimum.
6. Snoring
under the influence of hormones & hormone fluctuations
Both men and women can snore worse under the influence of
their hormones. This makes it difficult for you to stop snoring in case
- Pregnancy
- Transition & menopause
- Period
- Problems with the menstrual cycle
- Use of hormonal medicines
- Use of hormonal contraceptives
- Thyroid abnormalities (related to thyroid hormone)
- Adrenal abnormalities (related to adrenal cortex
Stop snoring
because of hormones & hormone regulation
If you snore at the hands of your hormones, then there is
relatively little to do. In case of health complications, you can ask your doctor
for research and / or medication. In general, you can not just stop snoring,
because you can not simply change your hormone balance.
7. Snoring is
often caused by medication
Certain medications cause the muscles to relax at the
back of your throat. Thus, the soft tissue in the back of your throat is sucked
in more easily with every breath and you snore. Especially sleeping pills and tranquilizers have a
relaxing effect that promotes snoring.
Adjust medication
to stop snoring
If your snoring is caused by medication, snoring is
relatively easy to treat. You
can simply avoid all sleeping pills and tranquillizers to stop snoring. Note:
stopping medication should also be medically advisable or feasible.
8. Alcohol can
be the cause of excessive snoring
Alcohol is one of the main causes of snoring. Alcohol
loosens your throat muscles and causes snoring. The more alcohol you consume, the softer your throat
tissues become and the more difficult it is to stop snoring. Moreover,
alcohol also causes respiratory arrest and sleep apnea (see cause 10).
Limit alcohol
intake so that you stop snoring
If you drink a few wines or beers every night, then the
chances are that you snore regularly. Stopping
alcohol use is therefore an excellent treatment against snoring. If
you want to stop snoring, you simply do not have to take a "nightcap"
9. Snoring
because of cigarette smoking (tobacco)
Smoking is a common cause of snoring. Certain substances in tobacco smoke (tar,
nicotine, benzene, etc.) stimulate the mucous membranes that line the pharynx. If
your throat mucosa is stimulated, chances are that it will swell, causing you
to snore severely.
Stop smoking =
stop snoring
Stopping smoking is therefore an excellent way to stop
snoring. If you can commit yourself to stop lighting cigarettes,
you will probably no longer need treatment for snoring.
10. Snoring due
to sleep apnea & respiratory arrest
Sleep apnea means that the muscles are weakened at the
back of the throat. You
start snoring by vibrating your sagging throat muscles. Moreover,
the relaxed throat muscles block your airways, so you can not breathe briefly. This
principle is also called "respiratory arrest".
10.1 When do
you have sleep apnea syndrome?
If you get a breath of silence 5 times a night, people
also speak of 'sleep apnea syndrome' (SAS). Sleep apnea syndrome causes an oxygen deficiency during
your sleep. With an oxygen deficiency your brain gives a signal
to wake up. Usually you wake up with a shock, and your "normal"
breathing is resumed.
10.2 How do you
recognize sleep apnea syndrome?
A sleep apnea syndrome can be recognized by a number of
symptoms & symptoms. The
breathing stops that are very characteristic of sleep apnea are not always
noticed. If you suspect that you are suffering from sleep apnea
syndrome during your sleep, pay particular attention to the following symptoms
of sleep apnea:
- Loud & heavy snoring
- Sweating during the night
- Waking scare with
choking sensation
- Headache when waking up
- Dry mouth when waking
- Sore throat when waking up
- Fatigue & lethargy during
the day
10.3 The risks
and dangers of sleep apnea syndrome
Sleep apnea syndrome is annoying, dangerous and sometimes
even life-threatening! The main risks and dangers of sleep apnea syndrome are:
1. Lethargy - Sleep apnea
ensures that you wake up regularly. And the hours which you sleep are usually of poor quality. So
you are not very energetic during the day.
2. High blood pressure
- By blocking your breathing, your heart does not pump enough oxygen through
your body. This increases your blood pressure and can cause hypertension.
3. Heart failure
- Sleep apnea syndrome increases the risk of heart disease such as cardiac
arrhythmias, heart failure and eventually even a cardiac arrest.
4. Infarction
- When sleep apnea syndrome disrupts heart rhythm, blood clots may develop. Clots
can block veins and thus cause a heart attack or cerebral infarction.
10.4 Stop
snoring (due to sleep apnea)
Five percent of the Dutch population suffers to a greater
or lesser extent from sleep apnea, nightly respiratory arrest and snoring. Here are
some solutions and treatments for sleep apnea syndrome to also stop snoring:
1. Sleep apnea test - The sleep
apnea test is a handy online home test that can determine if you are suffering
from sleep apnea. Note: the sleep apnea test offers insight, no definitive
2. Sleep apnea device
- A sleep apnea device is a box with sensors that measure the oxygen
concentration in your blood. This way you have a definite answer in no time.
3. Sleep apnea mask
- If you are definitely suffering from sleep apnea, you usually get a mask that
maintains a continuous positive airway pressure during your sleep.
4. Mandibular
repositioning device - A mandibular repositioning device (MRA)
is a kind of sleep apnea brace that you hold in your mouth at night to keep
your airways open.
5. Sleep apnea surgery-
If a mask or MRA does not work, then operating is an option. A sleep apnea
operation is mainly used for problems with nasal sinuses, tonsils or nasal
The above 10 causes of snoring are most common. Snoring
can, however, also be caused by: an abnormally large tongue, sinusitis (cavity
inflammation), allergies (with regard to pollen / pollen, dust, fungi
, yeasts
, pet
skin flakes
, house
dust mite excrement , food
, etc.), flu & cold or a slanted nasal septum.
General tips
for snoring
As you could read above, not all causes of snoring can be
treated equally well. It is therefore not always possible to completely stop
snoring. Yet there are a
number of general tips & measures that you can implement to treat and
reduce snoring ...
Nasal sprays with xylometazoline (including Otrivin®,
Nasivin®, Afrin® or Vicks Sinex®) can only be used for colds. Homeopathic nasal spray (eg A. Vogel
Cinuforce®, VSM Nisyspray® Kruidvat house brand or Risikind® VSM), however, you
can always use and works fine for snoring. In
addition, there are all kinds of other means and measures against snoring,
1. Anti snore sprays - Would dilate
your nostrils so that you stop snoring.
2. Anti
snoring cushions
- Would improve your sleeping position and stop snoring.
3. Anti
snoring oil
- Would you strengthen your uvula to treat snoring.
4. Keeping the nose clean
- The cleaner your nose, the wider the passage to your nasal cavity and the
less you snore. In short: gently blowing, collecting and cleaning.
5. Keeping
your throat clean
- the cleaner your throat, the wider the pharynx and the less you snore. In
short: brushing, flossing, gargling and carefully scraping your throat.
6. Wet the nostrils-
Some people do not really snore, but squeaks or tuten. Your nose squeaks or
snorts especially if your nostrils are very dry. It can therefore help to wet
your nose on the inside with a wet cotton swab.
Means &
medicines for snoring
In addition, there are countless producers who promise
that they have found the perfect solution against snoring. Healthly, however, has strong doubts
about the effect of some of these drugs against snoring. Hereby
the best known "brand solutions" to stop snoring & snoring
1. SnörEx® – Bitje dat zou worden aanbevolen
door KNO-artsen om te stoppen met snurken.
3. Snoozer®
– Hoofd- & kaakband met een “wetenschappelijk bewezen” werking.
3. SnorBan®
– Een “medisch bewezen” onderkaakbeugel om te stoppen met snurken.
4. Snoreeze®
– Strips & sprays met “micro-ingekapselde oliën” ter behandeling van
5. Snurdim®
– Anti snurk tabletten die op een “vriendelijke manier” zouden helpen.
6. Breath Right®
– Neuspleisters c.q. neusstrips die je luchtwegen openen.
Anti snurk
operatie (somnoplastiek)
Als bovenstaande tips, adviezen en middeltjes allemaal
niet werkent, dan kun je altijd nog een snurk-operatie ofwel somnoplastiek
overwegen. Somnoplastiek betreft een kleine operatieve ingreep waarbij de huig
en het verhemelte worden verwond. Hierdoor
ontstaat littekenvorming, waardoor het weefsel steviger, strakker en dunner
wordt. Somnoplastiek helpt in bijna 100% van de (ernstige)
snurk-gevallen om te stoppen met snurken.
Tot slot
By far the most remedies do not or hardly help to stop
snoring. They mute the
sound a bit or reduce the number of vibrations somewhat, but are not effective
enough to serve as a serious solution or treatment against snoring. Conclusion:
sleep in a comfortable bed with a comfortable pillow, never sleep on your
stomach and use a homeopathic nasal spray regularly!
Do you have experience with snoring? Do you snore or do
you suffer from someone else's snoring? Would you like to stop snoring &
treat your snoring? Or do you have general questions or comments about sleep
apnea syndrome? Please leave your comment below!